Physics – 60 ECTS

  /    /  Physics – 60 ECTS

First semester

No. Course name Semester Name of the subject Status
1 Data Processing and Modeling in Physics I 6 Mandatory
2 Elective course I I 6 Mandatory
3 Elective course II I 6 Mandatory
4 Elective course III I 6 Mandatory
5 Elective course IV I 6 Mandatory

Second semester

No. Course name Semester Number of credits Status
1 Elective course V II 6 Elective
2 Master’s thesis II 24 Mandatory

Elective courses

Elective courses – Theoretical physics

No. Course name Number of credits Status
1 Quantum Mechanics III 6 Elective
2 Symmetries in Physics 6 Elective
3 Quantum Field Theory III 6 Elective
4 Photonics 6 Elective
5 Fourier Optics 6 Elective
6 Elementary Particle Physics II 6 Elective
7 Gravitation and Cosmology 6 Elective
8 Scattering Theory 6 Elective
9 Interaction of Radiation With Solids 6 Elective

Elective courses – Experimental physics

No. Course name Number of credits Status
1 Solid State Physics III 6 Elective
2 Interaction of Radiation With Solids 6 Elective
3 Semiconductor Microdevices 6 Elective
4 Magnetic Materials 6 Elective
5 Defects in Solids 6 Elective
6 Physics of Disordered Systems 6 Elective
7 Nanomaterial Physics 6 Elective
8 Fiber Optics 6 Elective
9 Physics of Metals II 6 Elective
10 Physics of Semiconductors II 6 Elective

Elective courses – Medical radiation physics

Elective courses – Physics Education

No. Course name Number of credits Status
1 Physics Teaching Practice 10 Elective
2 Physics Education III 6 Elective
3 Laboratory in Physics Education III 4 Elective
4 Laboratory in Physics Education IV 4 Elective
5 Physics Education IV 6 Elective